Right click left column and select 'apply filter to show conflict loser'.3. Even the bridge railing looks bad.216.13KB 3 downloads. It has to be a bug in the game because I have over 100 hours invested and this is a recent problem.I also upgraded to Windows 10 (which helped my fps a little) and updated my graphics driver.The textures on the drifter outfit, and cow look terrible. They're doesn't seem to be a common thread. Then I'll stroll by a tree and the texture looks fine. Fallout 4 Textures Not Loading Fully Error.Rocks are just giant gray or brown colored balls. Brick walls are just solid slabs of gray. Wood planks are monotone, showing no wood grain or color variation. What's strange is some textures load perfectly fine, but others look like a 5 yr old colored them. Saving and reloading makes the game unplayable as far as I'm concerned. I already have the ENB application, and it didn't help.