The sonic emitter - revelation is an Energy Weapons pistol with bonus damage against robots and power armor wearers, and a unique 'critical strike paralysis' effect, temporarily knocking down smaller robots (such as protectrons and cyberdogs), rooting larger robots, and paralyzing non-robotic targets. It shares some visual features with other pistol-grip energy weapons, such as the pulse gun, Euclid's C-Finder, and the recharger pistol. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The pistol's chassis is composed of a grey metallic tube outfitted with four vacuum tubes, a housing for a small energy cell, a conical muzzle, and a rear-mounted oscilloscope, all attached to a pistol grip. And he had to be, too, as fast as things had changed during the day. Can disable other Sink personalities (allowing you to skip dialogue with them).
Legacy Arcanum Baldurs Gate Baldurs Gate II Planescape Torment Wasteland 2.
The building was uniquely suited to telecom. Hedging your Bets: a guide to delaying your final choice of faction, Who are the good guys? Archived.