Once something starts feeling off in the game, it could be a bad mod or CC doing that. If you have noticed that something seems weird, you can either find more information in various forums or simply check out on Twitter because the list gets updated! Check Forums for The Sims 4 Broken Mods! You can check out their account to know which mods have been affected, so you will always be aware of any affected or broken mods for The Sims 4. It shows all the Mods & Custom Content that have been affected by the latest game updates. For instance, luthienrising has also worked hard to put together a list.
It’s not just official blogs trying to help you, but also fellow players. Let’s take a look at how you can find broken/deleted The Sims 4 mods and what you can do with them then: Players Keeping You Updated For example, you might experience the game crashing! If you don’t follow up to check whether your mod is broken or not, you might even encounter some issues. Sadly, that seems to be a common occurrence in the game, so players have to stay aware of what is happening with their mods. There are constant updates in The Sims universe, so it’s no surprise that some The Sims 4 mods would be broken.